• 4 Tips for choosing friends

    4 Tips for choosing friends

    This year marks two years since the dissolution of a friendship of eight years with someone I considered my best friend at the time. The details of how we got to that point are unimportant. However, the gems and life lessons learnt from that situation are invaluable and can be used as a mental checklist…

  • What are gems?

    What are gems?

    Flashback about three years ago… While procrastinating, I saw a youtube short by Dr. Sage Kim who is a licensed psychologist and has a social media presence. The video was particularly life changing as I was in a vulnerable space in life. I had recently moved across the world to start my sophomore year of…

  • 6 ways to get out of the freeze state

    6 ways to get out of the freeze state

    Summer has definitely started and it is so hot in my little town. Unfortunately, the thermostat in my apartment become frozen when cool air was most needed. I did not know this though until my landlord checked everything out. The heat does not necessarily bother me but there was no air circulating in the apartment at…