Summer has definitely started and it is so hot in my little town. Unfortunately, the thermostat in my apartment become frozen when cool air was most needed. I did not know this though until my landlord checked everything out. The heat does not necessarily bother me but there was no air circulating in the apartment at all and I felt like I was dying slowly. After my landlord checked it out, he revealed that the thermostat needed to be fixed and called the company immediately. While this was happening, the thermostat reminded me of the frozen state my anxiety leaves me in frequently.
Anxiety can be very crippling and can be a constant companion for many people. Sometimes when my to-do list is too long or appears difficult to my mind, the anxiety creeps up and leaves me frozen. This initiates the crazy and never ending cycle of knowing I have a task, becoming anxious because I have an unfinished task, becoming overwhelmed, and then becoming more anxious because I feel overwhelmed. I absolutely hate when I find myself in this cycle and feeling hopeless about how to solve the issue. Unfortunately, I find myself in this situation too many times to count and usually do not recognize until it is too late or cutting it really close to a deadline. It is even more frustrating when it is a super simple task that I could do normally on any other day and I procrastinate on it.
This is a minor issue when the task is grocery shopping. However, it can be a serious problem when a deadline at work ends up on your to-do list. There can be serious consequences, but also many emotions linked to feeling frozen. Some of them include irritation, anger, feeling like a failure, guilt, and of course more anxiety. Moreover, if you are like me, your anxiety can manifest in physical symptoms like stomach aches, headaches, muscle tension, and issues with sleeping.
I have six quick ways to snap out of the freeze state.
- Nature
Just going outside can make a huge difference in your mood. Do not spend all your time cooped up in a dark room wallowing in your anxiety. If you let it, your anxiety would eat you alive. You do not need to do anything fancy, but maybe sit outside for a sec, feel some sunshine and a breeze on your face or one of my personal favourites is literally touching grass. Take your shoes off and wiggle your toes in the grass. Fully embrace the beauty of grass as a child would.
- Change your scenery
When I’m feeling anxious I can unconsciously fall into a monotonous routine of bed, kitchen and bathroom. This can follow up from suggestion 1 with going into nature. Other options could be going to the local coffee shop, taking a drive or walk and or use a different route. This is super customizable to you. The aim is to get out of the house and routine to shake it up a bit.
- Treat yourself
Sometimes some incentive is needed even when we are adults. A little reward never hurt anyone and I love to reward myself for even the little things. Honestly, getting out of the frozen state is hard and giving yourself a little thank you can make your day. I am a foodie so anything food is a good time. Once again, nothing fancy so just ordering Wendy’s for lunch once I finish my task is a true pleasure. It also means I do not have to cook or do dishes so a win-win
- Meditate
Meditation has many benefits and can provide some much needed clarity for you. Also, it can help with some of the physical impacts of anxiety and calm your body and mind.
- Exercise/ Get moving
There is nothing like moving your body for those good endorphins. It is super difficult to start but it feels amazing after. My favourite ways to get exercise are walking around my neighbourhood, dance, or a follow along workout on Youtube. My go to workout channel is Walk at Home which conveniently does mainly walking but right at home.
Here is a link to my all time favourite video from Walk at Home that I fall back on and is only 30 minutes!
- Pray
Cast your anxieties upon the Lord for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7 KJV) . The verse is so simple and is very easy to recite in times of crisis or anxiety. This verse also centres me and my mind. It brings me back to the place where I may not know anything else but I know God has got me. No problem is too small or trivial. I can talk to Him at any moment, any place, for any length of time and about anything. When you find yourself in the complicated cycle of anxiety, take a moment to pause and pray.
I hope these six tips help you from being frozen and allow you to move through the freeze state. Don’t forget to collect gems along the way!!